Wednesday, January 30, 2008


1 pkg. Soup bones, pork necks or riblets
1-2 lbs Chinese mushrooms
1 stalk lemongrass
1 small head of shallots
1-2 fresh or dried chili peppers
3 tbs. soaked glutinous rice
1 bunch pak itho
1 bunch pak sanang
fish sauce, msg, salt and sugar to taste

Bring a pot to boil. Add bones, lemongrass slightly smashed and salt to flavor. Meanwhile, pound peppers and shallots in a mortar, add soaked glutinous rice and mash them into a paste. Pour some of the soup broth into the paste and mix well.

Cook until meat is tender, add the mushrooms and paste mixture. Bring back to a boil, season with fish sauce, msg, sugar and salt. Can season with a little bit of padek if desired.

Add pak itho and sanang or other lao herbs or vegetables that would compliment the dish. Cook until the mushrooms are tender.

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